Sunday, June 19, 2011

City and Colour - Little Hell

City and Colour is the solo side project for Dallas Green (whose name is indeed a city and a colour) of Canadian post-hardcore outfit Alexisonfire (which I'm reliably informed is alexis-on-fire not alex-is-on-fire). Something that surprises me, not just because they sound radically different, but because I've never really cared for Alexisonfire and I really love this album.

City and Colour is one of those acts that kind of crept up on me. I've occasionally seen the second album whilst browsing in record stores (something I can never seem to get my fill of), but never been aware of the music. Earlier this year however Triple J started spinning Fragile Bird, the lead single from this album (which is the third under the City and Colour moniker). Something about the song grabbed me, and managed to keep my attention. It's easily my most listened to song of 2011. With that in mind I had a high level of anticipation for the album.

Anticipation is a tricky thing. Expecting the world from an album can often leave you disappointed. It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full, if you were expecting a full glass you're going to be disappointed. Which often leaves me walking a balancing act between hopeful expectation and guarded skepticism.

Little Hell as an album has completely blown me away. Maybe once a year an album will come along that captures me completely and I don't know what I did without it. I will listen on endless repeat, never getting sick of it. Every song will be my favourite on the album, until the next song starts. Little Hell is one of those albums.

There is a simple everyday beauty to the songs Green has written here. His love songs are touchingly personal, without making you feel like you're intruding. His musings on life are poignant without being heavy handed. It's more like a conversation with a friend than a glance at a stolen diary.

It's difficult for me to define why it is I love this album so much. On the surface there's nothing new or revolutionary at play. The singer/songwriter with the guitar is a model as old as the guitar itself. But something in this album touches me deeply. I want to dive into these songs and immerse myself. When I'm listening to this album I don't care if I never hear anything else for the rest of my life.

I'm too close to this album to be able to tell you if it's qualifiably good. Although in my opinion that emotional reaction is worth more than anything else when it comes to making those decisions. I love this album. Unless something truly amazing comes along this will be my album of 2011.

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